Independent Educational Evaluation/Diagnostic:

An IEE is ideal for those who have participated in a school-based evaluation, but require consideration of clinical diagnoses. Includes record review, interview, and brief standardized assessment of domains of concern (e.g., attention, distractibility, impulsivity, hyperactivity, executive functions, anxiety, depression). This type of evaluation does not include cognitive or academic assessment. Recent psychoeducational evaluation required, with teacher rating scales. 


In some cases, you may not be certain what would be most helpful for you or your child. A consultation can help determine an appropriate clinical plan or provide a second opinion. 


Includes record review and clinical interviews with patient or parents and children. May result in diagnosis of a clinical condition, scheduling a comprehensive evaluation, or referral for intervention (e.g., psychotherapy, occupational or speech/language therapy). 


Includes review of educational records and discussion with parents. May result in recommendations for additional educational services (e.g., 504 Plan, IEP), scheduling a comprehensive evaluation, or referrals. 

 If you would like additional information about the services provided at Scarborough Neuropsychology, PC please do not hesitate to call or email. We look forward to working with you /your child.